Why mistakes are important

X-Rays, silly putty, penicillin, even potato chips were invented/discovered by mistakes! Mistakes have brought a lot of important things in our lives.

Accidents are great! They motivate you to make something better! Say you have a phone, everything’s perfect but then. You see one mistake- that one mistake- you cant stop thinking about it, so then that motivates you to fix that mistake. And who knows, you might invent something new!

Also talking about inventions do you know how many things were invented by mistakes? There is a very long list of them! Ink-jet printers, corn flakes, microwave ovens, and fireworks are a few. You have to be thankful for at least one of them! (especially cornflakes) Mistakes are one of the best parts of life.

As you can see mistakes have created and motivated people to do something . I want to know, if you could take away one mistake, what would it be.

1 Comment

  1. Good paragraphing here, Jason. Organization is important for clarity.

    One question I do have is about the connection between spotting a mistake on (with?) a phone and then being motivated to fix something? Could you give an example to make that point clear?

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