4 Dream Jobs

I got this topic from this site

I will go down from favorite to least favorite

1. Weatherman

Ever since 4th grade I have wanted to be a Weatherman for some reason

2. Cook

I would love to learn how to cook because I can make DELICIOUS FOOD

3. Sports Reporter

You get to talk about sports. Whoever likes sports would love this job.

4.Food Critic

Who wouldn’t like to eat food and judge it.

Those are the jobs I would like.


Hey guys I just recently started some thing called school if you don’t know, which is not great. I mean I am happy that I get to see my friends again, but its back to homework, homework, homework, and did i mention homework?  Its upsetting being at school for seven hours then have tennis for 2 hours after and then getting home at 7 and does homework until 10. But its fine, at least I get an education unlike too many kids in this world. All I can say is at least I have the weekends.